
IUCN World Conservation Congress

1-10 September 2016, Hawaii, United States


2016 Keidanren Nature Conservation Fund (KNCF) Grant Program

Application deadline: 15 December 2015


Two new Special Issues on Forest Restoration

The latest issues of the journal New Forests and FAO’s Unasylva both focus on forest and landscape restoration.


A Regional Training Centre on Forest Genetic Resources to start in 2016

APFORGEN is moving forward to establish a Regional Training Centre on Forest Genetic Resources (FGR) in 2016, in response to the Global Plan of Action on Forest Genetic Resources that calls for…


Development of polymorphic chloroplast DNA markers for the endangered tree Eusideroxylon zwageri through chloroplast isolation and next-generation sequencing

Methods and Resources Article Conservation Genetics Resources, December 2015, Volume 7, Issue 4, pp 845-850


Coping with Climate Change – The Roles of Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

FAO. 2015. Coping with climate change – the roles of genetic resources for food and agriculture. Rome.


About us

APFORGEN is a regional programme and network with a holistic approach to the conservation and management of the Forest Genetic Resources (FGR) in the Asia-Pacific region


APFORGEN Secretariat
c/o Research Institute of Forestry, Chinese Academy of Forestry
XiangShan Road, Dongxiaofu No.1, Haidian district, 
Beijing, People's Republic of China