Informational Posters for APFORGEN Countries
Posters highlighting the current status, challenges, national priorities, policy and institutional support.
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APFORGEN is the only network in Asia and the Pacific that specifically focuses on the conservation and sustainable use of the genetic diversity of trees.
MoreForest Genetic Resources Conservation and Management. Status in seven South and Southeast Asian countries. Publication Year - 2009
This compilation of the national status reports from the seven participating countries of the ITTO Project is the second joint documentation of national activities for the conservation and management of forest genetic resources in South and South-east Asian countries.
MoreForest Genetic Resources Conservation and Management. National Consultative Workshops of Seven South and Southeast Asian Countries. Publication Year - 2009
The reports of these national consultative workshops submitted by the NFPs have been compiled into a single volume, both to serve as a record for this project and more importantly as a collective source of updates on the activities of the participating countries during the project duration (February 2006 – January 2009). These reports are certainly valuable references on issues related to forest genetic resources conservation and management for the forest administrators and policy makers in these countries.
MoreAbout us
APFORGEN is a regional programme and network with a holistic approach to the conservation and management of the Forest Genetic Resources (FGR) in the Asia-Pacific region

Useful Links
APFORGEN Secretariat
c/o Research Institute of Forestry, Chinese Academy of Forestry
XiangShan Road, Dongxiaofu No.1, Haidian district,
Beijing, People's Republic of China