A training course was organized in Cambodia on the “Marketing of Tree Seeds and Seedlings” for community-based seed suppliers. The training was held from 8 to 9 January 2020 at two respective places, Lov Kim Seng Centre, Kampong Thom town, and O Soam CF, Kampong Thom province. The overall objective is to increase the supply of quality seeds of the three Indochina Dalbergia species D. cochinchinensis, D. oliveri, and D. cultrata and improve income from sale of seeds and seedlings with prime focus on collectors. The training followed a ‘standard’ business model of improving profit by reducing production cost, increase production, increase potential income by product (here seed and seedling) quality and improve market demand by diversifying distribution and marketing network.
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APFORGEN is a regional programme and network with a holistic approach to the conservation and management of the Forest Genetic Resources (FGR) in the Asia-Pacific region

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APFORGEN Secretariat
c/o Research Institute of Forestry, Chinese Academy of Forestry
XiangShan Road, Dongxiaofu No.1, Haidian district,
Beijing, People's Republic of China